Year One

Allison Park Leadership Academy is an inexpensive alternative to other types of ministry preparation and allows graduates to apply for ministry credentials with the Assemblies of God after completing the year-one program. Upon completion, students who wish to pursue higher education with Southeastern University may submit complete course work for college credit. There are two options in which students may pay for their tuition: 



$100 Deposit 

Due 2 weeks before first day of school

$4,200 Total Tuition

$4,300 TOTAL


Curriculum, Courses, Books, Application Fees, & Outreaches


Food, Lodging, or Mission Trips


$100 Deposit

Due 2 weeks before first day of school

$2,100 Per Semester (Fall & Spring)

This can be paid in two payments:

  • Two weeks before the start of the first semester

  • Two weeks before the start of the second semester

$4,300 TOTAL


Curriculum, Courses, Books, Application Fees, & Outreaches


Food, Lodging, or Missions Trip


For APLA students moving from outside of Pittsburgh, group housing is available in partnership with other students. There is an apartment available for girls and one for guys to rent together during the school year.  We are also able, at times to connect a prospective student with a host family for the year.

SEU Credits 

Upon completion of the APLA course work, students who wish to attend SEU will inform the APLA Registrar who will help them in the application process.  

Year Two & Beyond

If a student chooses to go through APLA’s Second Year -- Practicum program:  There is a $300 fee for books, materials, and expenses for the second year program.  

If a student chooses to go to Southeastern University, the student will pay SEU’s tuition and fees for the extension site program. 

Ready to take the next step?